1. Click to login to Blogger Layout / Layout Edit HTML ---->
2. Search Code Head or Body
Kalo dah ketemu CopyPaste code / script rainbow this link below,

To start the process follow these steps:

src="http://www.geocities.com/ridwanox/rainbow.js" <script type="text/javascript"> </ script>

3. Save and you see the blog, happy to try

Create Link colors

1. Click to login to Blogger Layout / Layout Edit HTML ---->
2. Search Code Head or Body
Kalo dah ketemu CopyPaste code / script rainbow this link below,

To start the process follow these steps:

src="http://www.geocities.com/ridwanox/rainbow.js" <script type="text/javascript"> </ script>

3. Save and you see the blog, happy to try

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